The World Is at the Crossroads of the New Era or the Novel Corona Virus Era

Unconsciously, it was Mar.15, and we hit the Anti-counterfeit Day again. Early in the morning, I heard people telling jokes: fighting against fakes on Mar. 15, the more they fight against the fake, the more fake they find!

Indeed, the housewives of Wuhan shouted, “fake, all are fake!” which was like a thunder on the flat land, breaking the false pretense, awakening people’s souls, and arousing their conscience in fighting against counterfeiting. The statement given by Ai Fen, an emergency doctor of Wuhan Central Hospital, which is said to have more than 100 translations all over the world, is the indictment of the “fake” which brought about the human disaster, and the most authoritative rehabilitation of his teammate Li Wenliang and others.

“Fake!” “Fight against the fake!” Since the 1980s, it has been a lasting, ritualized movement led by the Chinese government and inviting masses’ participation, which is unique in the world and constitutes a bizarre spectacle in modern society. But why after over 30 years, haven’t fakes only been eliminated, but they have also become more rampant, and are more lethal than fake cigarettes, fake wine, fake drugs, and tainted milk powder? If we do not reflect on the disaster, this kind of national grief and human disaster will be repeated, what hope is there for mankind?

At the beginning of the Wuhan epidemic, it was said to be “preventable and controllable” and not infectious to humans according to the authoritative anti-epidemic expert who himself was then confirmed positive, while those doctors like Li Wenliang and Ai Fen were admonished for spreading “rumors”. The suppression made people in Wuhan, Hubei and China who were immersed in the atmosphere of the upcoming Spring Festival ignorant of its severity and reluctant to take active measures towards the epidemic. A buzzword in the official circles can well express the serious consequences: “You understand.”

The harmfulness of information fraud is far more than fake cigarettes, fake wine, fake drugs, and tainted milk powder, because the latter is only used locally, and it does not matter for people who do not smoke or drink, and those who do not eat milk powder, but the fake information is shared by the whole people, the whole country and even the whole world, so its harmfulness will exceed people’s imagination.

Information fraud may seem different from the production and sale of counterfeit goods in order to make dirty money, but it is the biggest counterfeiting act for personal purposes and corporate interests that ignores the safety of life – directly killing you.

Recently, some countries in the Middle East have arrested journalists, doctors, and even health officials who released information on the pandemic. As a result, the president was quarantined, the first vice president and vice president were diagnosed, and more ministers and parliamentarians were confirmed positive, let alone the ordinary masses who suffered. The reason behind is that the supreme leader  deprived others of their right to information, including the rights to obtain and release information, that is, to deprive people of the right to tell the truth, and finally had to take the consequences.

Now the COVID19 epidemic in the world has entered a state of emergency, and the infected number has exceeded 70,000 by midnight today. It is just beginning to catch on internationally, a few months later than us, but it has already started to be implanted in China. With this trend going on, there will be no ending.  Authoritative medical experts from WHO and developed countries have the highest estimate that more than 2/3 of the world’s people will be infected by the virus. It is not difficult to imagine that by then, cities and villages will be closed everywhere, medical and anti-epidemic systems will collapse, materials will be scarce, and lives will be deceased. People cannot help but ask: what era will this be? I think nothing is more accurate than the assumption that human beings are moving towards the Novel Corona Virus Era.

However, there is always hope. The whole world has put into action and launched global anti-epidemic movement to fight against the COVID 19.  If human beings are fortunate enough to survive the disaster, they will naturally bypass the Novel Corona Virus Era and usher in a new era.

The humanity is at the crossroads, facing the choice of entering the Novel Corona Virus Era or the New Era in the aftermath of the pandemic. To tell the truth, uphold equality before the information, adhere to the principle of fairness and justice, implement the real rule of law, and seriously reflect on the emergence and spread of the epidemic will usher in a new era for mankind. On the contrary, if telling lies, creating false information, violating the principle of fairness and justice, or ruling by people rather than by law are the ways being adopted, isn’t it clear what will be left to mankind?

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