Professor Wang Jianjiang was invited by the School of Literature at Northwest Normal University to deliver a fascinating lecture titled “The Journey of Bie-Modernism in Life”


On April 9, 2023, at 19:00, Professor Wang Jianjiang, an outstanding alumna of the School of Literature at Northwest Normal University and a doctoral supervisor at Shanghai Normal University, was invited to give a brilliant lecture titled “The Journey of Bie-Modernism in Life” at Room 309 of Block B in the Zhi Gong Building. The lecture was hosted by Professor Xu Xiaojun, a distinguished professor from the School of Literature. The event was attended by Wang Anmin, the executive editor-in-chief of Western Literature and Art Studies, Professor Ma Shinian, the dean of the School of Literature, Associate Dean Li Mingde, as well as teachers from the Institute of Literature and Art Studies. More than 50 students from the entire school attended the lecture.


The report is divided into four parts: Bie-Modernism and Bie in the West, the journey of life, the theory of life, and the aesthetic of life and life equity aesthetics. Professor Wang Jianjiang first introduced the international and domestic development of Bie-Modernism and relevant research works. He proposed that “Bie-Modern” is a new theory about social forms and stages of social development. It is a philosophical reflection and theoretical proposition that bids farewell to pseudo-modernity and constructs a comprehensive modernity.

Afterwards, Professor Wang Jianjiang used specific artistic works such as literature, film, painting, sculpture, propaganda art, and architecture to interpret the forms of “Bie-Modernism” in China regarding the issue of life. This led to the introduction and comparison of different perspectives on life and death in ancient and modern, Eastern and Western cultures. From this, Professor Wang proposed the aesthetic theory of life equity, which is a part of this theoretical framework. He believes that life equity is closely related to human well-being and aesthetic appreciation, serving as a prerequisite for the generation of happiness and aesthetic experiences. The theory of life equity aesthetics provides an aesthetic alternative for humanity to transcend the predicament of existence.

After the main part of the presentation, the attending guests and faculty engaged in an exchange and dialogue with Professor Wang. Professor Huang Huaipu responded to Professor Wang Jianjiang’s “Bie-Modern” theory with the phrase “接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花‘别’样红” encapsulating the innovative nature of the “Bie-Modern” theory in a distinctive and meaningful way. During the Q&A session, students in attendance raised their own questions on topics such as AI technology and human labor, artificial intelligence and emotions, and life equity and natural rights. Professor Wang provided detailed answers to these questions. Finally, Professor Xu Xiaojun summarized Professor Wang’s insightful lecture. Wang’s “Bie-Modern” theory is a localized theory in China, representing profound reflections on the blend and complexity of pre-modern, modern, and post-modern issues. It offers a unique perspective of Chinese wisdom in the constellation of modern theories. (Original source: Official website of the School of Literature, Northwest Normal University)

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