Conference Guide of The 8th International Conference on Bie-Modernism
Philosophy and Creativity :The 8th International Conference on Bie-Modernism will be held in 406 Conference Centre, Wenyuan Building, East, Xuhui Campus, Shanghai Normal University.
Tencent Conference (Online): 487-3797-2834
ZOOM: 890 8567 6327 Password: BIE
Time:9 December 2023, 19:00-21:30 ;10 December 2023, 8:30-20:00
General Assembly Notes:
1. Due to concerns about the current status of public health security, we have decided not to invite overseas scholars to come to Shanghai for a face-to-face meeting. Instead, we will use an online conference format when communicating with foreign scholars.
2. We have decided to cancel the book launch of Aestheticology of Bie-modernism, which was scheduled to take place at the opening ceremony of the conference.