Archives: Events

Profile: On December 17, the 7th China Academic Evaluation Forum was held at Renmin University of China (RUC), with the theme of “Original Academic Concepts in Philosophy and Social Sciences and the Construction of Autonomous Knowledge System”. Prof. Lin Shangli, President of Renmin University of China (RUC), attended the opening ceremony of the forum, and continue ...

Profile: On December 9, 2023, The 8th International Conference on Bie-Modernism, co-sponsored by the School of Humanities, Institute of Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education, CCBMS, and CBMS of Shanghai Normal University, opened in Shanghai. Detail: The opening ceremony was hosted by Prof. Wang Jianjiang, the first creator of Bie-Modernism theory. Liu Xiaomin, Vice President of Shanghai continue ...

Profile: Philosophy and Creativity :The 8th International Conference on Bie-Modernism will be held in 406 Conference Centre, Wenyuan Building, East, Xuhui Campus, Shanghai Normal University. Tencent Conference (Online): 487-3797-2834 ZOOM: 890 8567 6327 Password: BIE Time:9 December 2023, 19:00-21:30 ;10 December 2023, 8:30-20:00 Detail: General Assembly Notes: 1. Due to concerns about the current status of public health continue ...

Profile: On October 18, 2023, the academic season “New Perspectives-Musicology Research Academic Lecture Series” was held by the Department of Musicology of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, sponsored by Shanghai Conservatory of Music and undertaken by the Department of Musicology of Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Mr. Song Jin, professor of music aesthetics at the Central Conservatory continue ...

Profile: The 8th International Conference on Bie-Modernism, co-organized by Shanghai Normal University, the Center for Chinese Bie-modern Studies (CCBMS) and the Center for Bie-Modern Studies (CBMS), will be held in Shanghai from December 9-11, 2023 . The theme of the conference is: Philosophy and Creativity, and the conference papers are now being collected. Detail: The continue ...

Profile: On September 19, the preparatory meeting for the 8th International Conference on Bie-modernism was held at the School of Humanities of Shanghai Normal University. Expert professors, directors and doctoral student representatives from Donghua University, Shanxi Film Academy, and Shanghai Normal University attended this meeting. The conference was chaired by Wang Jianjiang, founder of Bie-modernism continue ...

Profile: On September 18, 2023, Wang Jianjiang, founder of Bie-modernism, professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Humanities of Shanghai Normal University, received a notice from the organizing committee of the Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2024. The notice is to set up a Bie-modernist Cultural Computing sub-venue for Bie-modernism again, and Wang Jianjiang is continue ...

Profile: On September 11, the “Post-Painted Pottery Culture and Bie-modernism” seminar hosted by the School of Art and Design of Lanzhou City University was successfully held on the Peili Campus. About 50 people including experts, scholars, artists, entrepreneurs, teachers from the post-painted pottery R&D team, and students from the Department of Arts and Crafts participated in this continue ...

Profile: The CSSCI-indexed journal Gansu Social Sciences featured a special issue on “Bie-Modernism Research” in its 4th issue of 2023. The issue included two articles: Bie-Modernism: From Bie to Bie Theory to Bie in the West by Professor Wang Jianjiang from Shanghai Normal University, as well as Bie-Modernism and Meta-Modernism by Professor Wang Hongyue from Zhejiang Normal University. This issue of Gansu continue ...

Profile: Professors and students from Shifu University attended the 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), specifically the Bie-modernism Subconference. Detail: The 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII) took place from July 23rd to 28th in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the Bella Center government reception center located at Bera Square. Over 2,000 attendees, including computer continue ...

Profile: From June 20th to June 23rd, the International Conference on Chinese Philosophy took place as scheduled at the Riverside campus of the University of California. Professor Wang Jianjiang, a second-level professor at the School of Humanities of Shanghai Normal University, doctoral supervisor, and the founder of Bie-modernism theory, was invited to attend the conference. He continue ...

Profile: On the afternoon of April 14th, Wang Jianjiang, the founder of Bie-modern theory, a second-level professor at Shanghai Normal University and a doctoral supervisor at the School of Humanities, was invited to Huangshan University to give an academic lecture titled “The Genesis and Development of Bie-modernism Aesthetics”. More than 200 faculty members and students from continue ...

Profile: The CSSCI-indexed journal Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) featured a special issue on “Bie-Modernism” in its first issue of 2023. The issue included two articles: The Originality of the Theory and the First Basis of the Theory co-authored by Professor Wang Jianjiang and PhD candidate Peng Zhe, as well as On the continue ...

Profile: Professor Wang Jianjiang, the founder of Bie-Modernism, a distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor at Shanghai Normal University’s School of Humanities, as well as the director of the Institute of Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education at Shanghai Normal University, has successfully conducted a tour of lectures on the theme of “Life in Bie-Modernism”. He was invited continue ...

Profile: On April 9, 2023, at 19:00, Professor Wang Jianjiang, an outstanding alumna of the School of Literature at Northwest Normal University and a doctoral supervisor at Shanghai Normal University, was invited to give a brilliant lecture titled “The Journey of Bie-Modernism in Life” at Room 309 of Block B in the Zhi Gong Building. continue ...

Profile: To further strengthen exchanges with well-known domestic universities and promote the development of the school, on the afternoon of April 7th, at the invitation of the School of Humanities at Gansu Agricultural University, Professor Wang Jianjiang, a professor and doctoral supervisor from the School of Humanities at Shanghai Normal University, the founder of Bie-Modern continue ...

Profile:  On the afternoon of April 6, 2023, Professor Wang Jianjiang, a second-level professor and doctoral supervisor from the School of Humanities at Shanghai Normal University, as well as the Honorary Director and Academic Advisor of “the Center for Chinese Bie-Modern Studies” (CCBMS) in the United States, was invited by the School of Literature at continue ...

Profile:  In order to enhance the research level of the research team in the College of Art and Design and promote the application for high-level research projects, on the morning of April 6, 2023, the Art and Design College of Lanzhou City College invited Professor Wang Jianjiang from Shanghai Normal University to give an academic continue ...

Profile: On the afternoon of April 4th, at 3:00 PM, Lanzhou University of Finance and Economics invited Professor Wang Jianjiang, from the School of Humanities at Shanghai Normal University, as well as a doctoral supervisor and the head of the Institute of Aesthetic Education. Professor Wang is also the honorary director and academic advisor of continue ...

Profile: On the evening of April 3, 2023, Professor Wang Jianjiang, a doctoral supervisor at the School of Humanities and the head of the Institute of Aesthetics and Aesthetic Education at Shanghai Normal University, was invited to give an academic lecture entitled “The Thoughts of Life in Postmodernism” at the School of Literature, Lanzhou Jiaotong continue ...

Profile: Professor Wang Jianjiang’s article The Putting-forward and the Development of Bie-Modernism Philosophy and Aesthetics was published in the third issue of Journal of Hebei Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences) in 2022. It was also excerpted in the fifth issue of the China University Academic Abstracts and the fifth issue of China Social Science Excellence (Aesthetics). Detail: continue ...

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